Het Stenen Archief - Afgerond en lopend onderzoek


Debora Possener (x 04-01-1934) / Rachel Godschalk (x 03-07-1947)
Benjamin Swelheim / Hester Aptroot
21 Elul 5665
16 chesjwan 5751
Ter nagedachtenis aan onze lieve man, vader en opa, Joseph Swelheim, Overleden 16 chesjwan 5751 / 4 november 1990, in de leeftijd van 85 jaar
Gegevens over geboortedatum en huwelijken zijn ontleend aan de persoonskaart in het Stadsarchief Amsterdam.
Gezin van Joseph Swelheim
Benjamin Swelheim #20635, zoon van Joseph Swelheim en Judith Hofstede.
Geboren 10 dec 1881 Rhenen, Utrecht, Nederland (bronnen 1), overleden 27 aug 1943 Auschwitz, Polen, 61 jaar (bronnen 2)
in Digital Monument to the Jewish Community in the Netherlands we found the following:
A short message appeared in Het Joodsche Weekblad in December 1941 on the occasion of the celebration of the sixtieth birthday of Benjamin Swelheim on 10 December 1941. Benjamin Swelheim was a church warden of the Lekstraat synagogue in Amsterdam. The message read: 'Mr Swelheim, who broke new ground in this part of town when setting up the community synagogue in Plan-Zuid as a committee member of the Benei Teimon association and a staunch defender of synagogue visits and the religious education of the Jewish youth, was able to enjoy a lot of attention that day.'
Het Joodsche Weekblad, 12 December 1941, 8

Gehuwd 6 apr 1905 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland (bronnen 3) met:
Hester Aptroot #63390 Geboren 14 mei 1883 Leek, Groningen, Nederland (bronnen 4), overleden 27 aug 1943 Auschwitz, Polen, 60 jaar (bronnen 4)
1) Joseph Swelheim #63395
Geboren 21 sep 1905 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland (bronnen 3)
2) Duifje Swelheim #63396 X Leendert Menist
Geboren 20 jan 1907 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland (bronnen 3)
3) Judith Swelheim #63397 X Tobias den Hartog
Geboren 7 feb 1917 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland (bronnen 3), overleden 19 nov 1943
Auschwitz, Polen, 26 jaar (bronnen 3)
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Gezin van Joseph Swelheim
1. Titel: Digitaal: Zuidoost Utrecht (geboorte)
Publicatie: http://www.genealogiezuidoostutrecht.org
2. Titel: Oorlogsgravenstichting
Publicatie: http://www.ogs.nl/pages/home.asp
Archief none
On September 13th, 1946, this thought led to the establishment of the Netherlands War Graves Foundation (Oorlogsgravenstichting). The aim was to organize and see to the continuous upkeep of the graves of Dutch war victims, as well as the commemoration of those with no known grave. Since 1956 the Foundation also maintains more than 8.000 allied war graves situated all over the Netherlands. Thanks to intense research, an extensive database ("Slachtofferregister") has been built up over the years, and about 180.000 names appear therein.
To commemorate the 130.000 victims whose earthly remains have not been found and for whom therefore no last resting place could be established, such as concentration camp victims, Jews, seamen and many others reported missing, their names have been entered in a series of 42 books.
3. Titel: Archiefkaart Amsterdam E (persoonskaart)
Publicatie: http://stadsarchief.amsterdam.nl/archieven/archiefbank/indexen/archiefkaarten/zoek/index.nl.html
Auteur: Gemeente Amsterdam Stadsarchief
Archiefkaarten van Persoonskaarten Amsterdam (1939 - 1994)
4. Titel: Digitaal Monument Joodse Gemeenschap in Nederland
Publicatie: http://www.joodsmonument.nl
Archief none
What is the Digital Monument to the Jewish Community in the Netherlands? The Digital Monument is a website set up to preserve the memory of all those who were persecuted as Jews in the Netherlands during the Second World War and who did not survive the Shoah. Each individual has been given his or her own personal page to which photographs, documents and biographical information can be posted. The Monument also helps surviving relatives to explore their roots.|Who is included in the Monument? The Monument includes all Jews who were persecuted during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands and who did not survive the Shoah: that is, all Jews who were deported from the Netherlands and killed between 10 May 1940 and 8 May 1945 as well as those who died on Dutch soil in this period. This includes those who died a natural death.
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